The hollow apple, How much you got? and The Strawberry Slasher,

It's been a while since I posted a blog entry, but if you've been keeping up with my Instagram, and frequenting the latest section you will have seen that I've been posting other stuff.  If you haven't been then I better not catch you slippin' again. Here is what I've been up too

After doing the cake piece I decided to continue experimenting with simple shape and color and try to get better. It taught me a lot about  color and form and I used that in this next one.

"The Hollow Apple"

I was pretty happy with Simona and her worm nemesis here.  Definitely some improvement, in the composition and better defined anatomy, and the interaction between the two gave me the idea to do a little comic or something.

"How much you got?"

666 - pronounced 'Triple six-  is a character in my "Doom City" Comics and story. Many of the characters in that series go by earned nicknames.

666 and a low level summon.

This so far is the most successful of what I was trying to accomplish with this series of color and form experiments. I can tell I really learned a lot from working on the previous ones and I use that to make something has a lot of great feeling moments, from the composition, the anatomy and the color. The idea for the color and clothing came to me actually while I was working on the piece below, and it struck me so hard that I skipped to working on this instead.. I also picked up some speed although I at first did have some trouble figuring out an expression for her. It came together once I created the expression on her face and worked her playful position into place.  I decided not to go with text in this one and just let it stand on its own, but if you are wondering they are about to order a pizza and only have about  ' tree fiddy' between them.

"The Strawberry Slasher"

Uma does make great strawberry pie, I promise.

Uma "The Strawberry Slasher" here was by far the most challenging. I started and worked on this one several times and even stopped working on it to do the one above "666".  The color palette, I started with felt really limiting and I ended up starting over a few times.  Finally after completing the last one I started this one over using what I had learned and broadening my color palette and it really took off.  I also decided that since I had gotten better at the figure portion, that I would add more to the 'set'.  I feel pretty successful at capturing the crazy expression and gory fruit murder .


Anyway  thats what I did all june and part of july haha.  More will be on the way, but I think this particular series is done for now. 


1st Drawing of June. Knights yo!

Oh Snap! Knights yo!


For my first sketchbook entry in june.  I decided to head back to my roots and draw stuff that I liked to draw when I was a little kid.  That would be knights and monsters and stuff. If anyone played Myth the fallen lords, it kind of reminds me of that game.  As I was drawing it I decided it would be awesome to do a scene of stuff like this on a much larger scale.  so I think I will.  This is just a preliminary sketch of just one part of that scene.  I will use this month to flesh out more of that scene.  There will probably be like a giant boss dude and maybe a sorceress because thats awesome.   

I am currently posting this in between E3 events. If you forgot it was E3 then I just reminded you and the line up of stuff is looking pretty awesome.  Aside from games I was waiting to hear about like Sunset OverdriveDragon Age: Inquisition and The Division. I was incredibly excited to hear about a new Phantom Dust! An incredible original and creative game with intense and fast passed one on one combat and a unique and immersive art style.

Two games that also caught my eye were Ori and the Blind forest and Inside from the makers of Limbo. Both  are 2D side scrolling and absolutely breathtaking.

Here is a screen shot form Ori and the Blind Forest.



Anyway.  I have a lot of projects Im working on. Im still working on the Color version of The Bridge Drawing I did  last month as well as a color version of Millenia and Beelzebufo. that combined with the drawings for this knight battle project will keep me busy for a while but I'll keep you guys updated.

Oh..  and E3.   EA is up neexxttt...


This is a blog

This is a a blog and sometimes I will post stuff here.  Usually in reference to projects Im working on or to explain things about pieces of work I've done.  I will probably also talk about video games, other people's art, books, writing, movies and whatever else I want.


As  first post I will inform you that for the last 3 years or so I had not drawn anything. Chalk it up to a sort of loss of confidence, I still loved art, but I felt somewhat defeated about my own work. Occasionally I would produce a piece, that was strictly digital in creation, mostly because I felt comforted about it's easy corrective processes.  The only piece I did last year in 2013 is the Jane Doe piece which I did in september and then i quit again.  

However Recently, something happened. I developed this horrible itch like I've never had before. A combination of being around other artists and seeing and understanding techniques suddenly brought my need to produce art and not just look at it back to life.   I was given a drawing desk for my birthday by my perfect and wonderful girlfriend( Im not being threatened) and after requesting off from my job for about a week, I forced myself to sit own and draw every day.  My goal was to produce 15 drawings in my sketch book by the end of april. I started this idea in the middle of the month though I was just shy of my mark having completed 14 pages in 14 days because despite being born in april I had no Idea it only had 30 days.

The progress I made is the first time I dramatically saw an increase in my skill and although I don't think Im quite good enough, I have certainly gained some confidence.

I didn't even noticed the difference until I uploaded some of my older drawings and compared them to my newest ones.

In a few days I will post some examples just to show that some things I have learned and practice have definitely made a difference. 


I will also being keeping a set goal.  I will adjust it some to compensate for not having a week off to draw every month and also for the fact that there were no video games to play last month.  Im going to produce at least 5 pages in my sketch book and at least 1 digital piece a month. Hold me to this people.