This is a a blog and sometimes I will post stuff here. Usually in reference to projects Im working on or to explain things about pieces of work I've done. I will probably also talk about video games, other people's art, books, writing, movies and whatever else I want.
As first post I will inform you that for the last 3 years or so I had not drawn anything. Chalk it up to a sort of loss of confidence, I still loved art, but I felt somewhat defeated about my own work. Occasionally I would produce a piece, that was strictly digital in creation, mostly because I felt comforted about it's easy corrective processes. The only piece I did last year in 2013 is the Jane Doe piece which I did in september and then i quit again.
However Recently, something happened. I developed this horrible itch like I've never had before. A combination of being around other artists and seeing and understanding techniques suddenly brought my need to produce art and not just look at it back to life. I was given a drawing desk for my birthday by my perfect and wonderful girlfriend( Im not being threatened) and after requesting off from my job for about a week, I forced myself to sit own and draw every day. My goal was to produce 15 drawings in my sketch book by the end of april. I started this idea in the middle of the month though I was just shy of my mark having completed 14 pages in 14 days because despite being born in april I had no Idea it only had 30 days.
The progress I made is the first time I dramatically saw an increase in my skill and although I don't think Im quite good enough, I have certainly gained some confidence.
I didn't even noticed the difference until I uploaded some of my older drawings and compared them to my newest ones.
In a few days I will post some examples just to show that some things I have learned and practice have definitely made a difference.
I will also being keeping a set goal. I will adjust it some to compensate for not having a week off to draw every month and also for the fact that there were no video games to play last month. Im going to produce at least 5 pages in my sketch book and at least 1 digital piece a month. Hold me to this people.